本视频以Debian系统为例,演示香橙派Orange Pi 4B使用SD卡安装Linux系统的步骤,另外一款Orange Pi 4的系统安装方法一样,两款开发板的主要区别是4B内置了NPU(神经网络处理器),其他功能一样,都是瑞芯微RK3399芯片,4G内存。16G EMMC 存储,支持双屏异显,只是双摄像头等
1) 首先将 USB 摄像头插入到 Orange Pi 开发板的 USB 接口中 2) 使用 lsmod 查看系统是否自动加载了 uvcvideo 内核模块 3) 然后通过 v4l2-ctl(注意 v4l2 中的 l 是小写字母 l,不是数字 1)命令查看下 USB 摄像头的设备节点,从下面的输出可知 USB 摄像头对应的设备节点为/dev/video2, 如果看不到 us....
从官网下载:https://www.armbian.com/orange-pi-pc/ 选择“Armbian Stretch” 镜像。 将解压处理的img镜像文件用 “Win32DiskImager” 写入到TF卡中。 将写好系统的TF卡插入Pi_PC卡槽,接上电源就会自动启动。 Tips:如果通电后Pi_PC上的红色LED不停闪烁,表示系统启动失败。 请依次排查:TF卡是否损坏、镜像文件...
Orangepi 修改 Debian国内源 1.导出sources.list 1 cat /etc/apt/sources.list > sources.list 2.修改sources.list内容为如下: 1 2 3 4 deb http://ftp.cn.debian.org/debian/ jessie main non-free contrib deb-src http://ftp.cn.debian.org/debian/ jessie main non-free contrib...
虽然官方提供了Anroid,Ubuntu等系统,而且armbian提供了深定制的系统,但是我比较喜欢干净的系统,干净到什么都没有最好. 如果缺乏经验的话,当然还是使用三方定制比较好一些. 系统用户名:root 密码:raspberry 系统特点: 无图形界面(这么点内存,而且图形界面还是复合视频,至少我没设备了.) ...
> "orangepi". This is pretty common, although it would be nice if those config changes were either not necessary or included in Debian itself. > Also, the installed system uses zram files for swap and /var/log . > This is probably to limit the space the distro takes up on an SD ...
shellbashlightweightdebianoptimizationraspberrypiodroidpine64orangepisbcrisc-vdietpinanopiradxa UpdatedFeb 27, 2025 Shell To fix the Docker and UFW security flaw without disabling iptables linuxdockersecuritydebianubuntufirewalldocker-swarmufw UpdatedJan 13, 2025 ...
Hi: I am using debian jessie on orange pi H3 boards and I am very satisfied with it. but I need to upgrade now since jessie is out of support. i want to upgrade to debian buster since my pi is using as a server without any display attached. but I wonder
with "armbian" replaced by "orangepi". Also, the installed system uses zram files for swap and /var/log . This is probably to limit the space the distro takes up on an SD card, and it works OK, but it's not what I'd expect from a "stock" Debian install. It would be ...
从官网下载:https://www.armbian.com/orange-pi-pc/ 选择“Armbian Stretch” 镜像。 将解压处理的img镜像文件用 “Win32DiskImager” 写入到TF卡中。 将写好系统的TF卡插入Pi_PC卡槽,接上电源就会自动启动。 Tips:如果通电后Pi_PC上的红色LED不停闪烁,表示系统启动失败。 请依次排查:TF卡是否损坏、镜像文件...