如果是使用压缩包解压的文件,可能需要自己编辑或复制修改一个.desktop文件,有的压缩包也会有携带相应的 .desktop文件和icon图片文件(用作显示图标)。 Exec:可执行的文件全路径。 Icon:用于显示的图标。 提示:Exec常用的参数有:%f %F %u %U,参数位于末尾 Exec=/opt/download/bin/run.sh %f %f:单个文件名,即使...
http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Linux+x862.驱动解压后为.run文件,将此文件放在主目录下: 图片来自:huatong654321的百度相册3.安装一些必要工具:sudo apt-get install module-assistant build-essential dh-make libstdc++6 linux-headers-$(uname -r)4.确宝工具安装完全后,卸载Debian7下的...
1.Ubuntuhttps://ubuntu.com/desktop#download 点击22.04LTS按钮即可下载 https://ubuntu.com/download/server 点击Option 2: Manual server installation 即可看到下载按钮 2
Besides the default applications that are part of the GNOME, Xfce, KDE or LXDE desktop environments, Debian GNU/Linux also includes many other third-party apps for editing files, watching video streams, listening to music files, as well as numerous other essential core libraries and development ...
Docker Engine comes bundled with Docker Desktop for Linux. This is the easiest and quickest way to get started. Set up and install Docker Engine from Docker's apt repository. Install it manually and manage upgrades manually. Use a convenience script. Only recommended for testing and development ...
Debian-自定义Desktop Entry桌面快捷方式 我们都知道,在linux安装一些常见应用后,会像windows那样自动创建快捷方式。那么我们是不是也可以直接自定义一个桌面快捷方式,实现我们想实现的一些功能呢? 答案是可以。 工作中刚好有这个需求,实现后顺便记录一下。 本次实验目标:...
Deepin 是由中国开发的基于 Debian 的 Linux 操作系统,以其美观的用户界面、简单的操作和丰富的应用而备受关注。Deepin 注重用户体验,采用自家开发的深度桌面环境(Deepin Desktop Environment,DDE)。 https://www.deepin.org/index/en 特点 深度桌面环境 (DDE): Deepin 的桌面环境是其最引人注目的特点之一。DDE...
I am just introducing myself to the world of linux and it feels so overwhelming from everything that I'm learned so far. I am trying to make a File Server...
Flavors: the Debian Live Desktop Variants. These are equal to Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu variants to Ubuntu Desktop. Netinstall: the Debian small installer version which requires internet to work. This is the version equal to Arch GNU/Linux installer (command line-driven, no graphics). ...
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