官方下载页面:https://www.debian.org/distrib/ 后面需要离线安装,所以下载完整安装映像:64位PC torrent种子(DVD) 推荐使用BT种子下载,此页面:Index of /debian-cd/current/amd64/bt-dvd的最后一个链接即可下载种子 使用qbittorrent等软件下载此镜像文件,得到debian-12.0.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso,最新的版本号可能有所...
diskutilunmountDisk /dev/disk2 用下面的命令将 Debian 安装 DVD 镜像写入刚才 unmount 的 U盘内(警告,U 盘的内容将会被清空): sudo ddif=/Users/shuige/Downloads/debian-12.5.0-i386-DVD-1.iso/debian-12.5.0-i386-DVD-1.isoof=/dev/disk2bs=16mstatus=progressoflag=sync 等一段时间之后有下面的输...
Download Debian 12 iso image Visit the following page to download the Debian .iso images. Debian provides many types of images for installation for all architecture. If you are downloading for the first time, you might get overwhelmed with which file to download. To keep things simple, I have...
Asper the results, the primary ISO files now contain both free and “non-free” ISO files. So, what changed? When you try to download official Debian ISO files, you only need to choose one ISO file (DVD size) containing everything. Furthermore, the small net-installation ISO is also pr...
Download the latestDebian arm64 DVD ISO. Versiondebian-12.5.0-arm64-DVD-1.isoat time of writing. curl -O -L https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current/arm64/iso-dvd/debian-12.5.0-arm64-DVD-1.iso That ISO file, in conjunction with thevmlinuxandinitrd.gzfiles, are how we install...
Bootable Media (USB / DVD) Stable Internet Connection (optional) 废话不多说,让我们深入了解 Debian 11 的安装步骤 (1) 下载 Debian 11 ISO 文件 请使用以下 Debian 官方网站下载 iso 文件 Download Debian 11 ISO File 文件下载完成,然后将其刻录到 USB 闪存驱动器或 DVD,使其可引导,我们称之为安装介质...
Installing Debian 12 on VirtualBox Download Debian 12 ISO Navigate toDebian CD/DVD images pageand grab a stable release version ISO file for your specific system arch. We are using theamdversion in this guide. You can choose to download a minimal installation ISO file; ...
下载: Debian 12 “Bookworm” 这里是一份下载 ISO 版本的 Debian 12 “Bookworm” 的简单的表格(当前还不稳定,正在测试)。 < 如显示不全,请左右滑动 > 下载: Debian 11 “Bullseye” 自由版本的 ISO 文件(没有专有软件包) 下面的 ISO 镜像是 “自由” 版本的镜像,这意味着它们不包含用于固件的大量专有...
下载debian testing版本ISO镜像,刻盘或制作U盘启动工具,就可以安装testing了,推荐使用这种方式进行testing,不需要设置。直接安装就是testing了。 DVD镜像下载地址:http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/weekly-builds/amd64/iso-dvd/ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ...