1、首先,要确保CentOS7安装了 openssh-server 在终端中输入 yum list installed | grep openssh-server 此处显示已经安装了 openssh-server 如果又没任何输出显示表示没有安装 openssh-server 通过输入 yum install openssh-server 来进行安装openssh-server 2、找到了/etc/ssh/ 目录下的sshd服务配置文件 sshd_con...
/etc/ssh/ssh_config: Configuration file for the SSH client /etc/ssh/sshd_config: Configuration file for the SSH server By default, most options are commented out. To activate an option, uncomment by removing “#” at the beginning of the line. Note that after tweaking the SSH server confi...
First of all, we need to log in to our Debian 12 VPS through SSH: ssh root@IP_Address -p Port_number You will need to substitute ‘IP_Address’ and ‘Port_number’ with your server’s corresponding IP address and SSH port number. Furthermore, substitute ‘root’ with the username of ...
配置基础软件包 sudo apt install vim wget curl htop git proxychains4 screenfetch tmux bash-completion fcitx5-rime chromium fcitx5 zsh fonts-powerline fzf net-tools openssh-server firewalld bat 卸载无用软件包 主要卸载一些多语言支持和游戏包,可跳过 KDE 注意:卸载包时请注意同时卸载了哪些依赖,防...
对于打开的每个终端窗口,以及每次要执行 MOOSE 相关工作时,都需要 conda activate moose 。如果您希望将其自动执行,可以将该命令添加到 shell 配置文件的末尾。 3. 克隆 MOOSE MOOSE is hosted on GitHub and should be cloned directly from there using git. We recommend creating a directory ~/projects to co...
(cat/etc/issue|grepDebian|grep-E"8 |9 ")if["${DEBIAN_9_C}"];thenecho"当前您使用的Debian-8/9,官方已经停止支持、无法进行宝塔面板的安装"echo"请使用Debian-11/12进行安装宝塔面板"exit1ficd~setup_path="/www"python_bin=$setup_path/server/panel/pyenv/bin/pythoncpu_cpunt=$(cat/proc/...
后一篇: 解决瘦客户机上安装 Debian 12 启动失败问题 » 精彩评论 You&FM :2024-10-26 18:46 羡慕技术大佬。这几天玩 VPS, 不懂技术受限太多。 辛苦帮改下友情链接: 闲趣日评 换了域名和名称,麻烦更新。谢谢! 网站名称:You&FM 网站地址:https://yufm.com ...
debian 12 live standard iso doesn't come with ssh-server installed in order to get auto-rice script, either - temporarily enabled PasswordAuthentication on host and (Don't use sudo for auto-rice script) scp -P SSH-PORT -r user@ip:/path/to/auto-rice/ ~ sudo scp -P SSH-PORT -r use...
分区备份使用到的工具是Qualcomm Premium Tool,打开先点这个注册!.exe(调低音量,这东西会唱歌),点击GenerateKey后,将 key 文件保存在任意目录。然后打开Qualcomm Premium Tool.exe,点击Help->Activate选择刚才保存的 key 文件即可。 备份 点击Qualcomm选项卡
12. 重启apache2服务 配置静态IP和域名解析服务器 vi /etc/network/interfaces # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5). source /etc/network/interfaces.d/* ...