Debate Over Legalizing Physician-Assisted Death for the Terminally IllJo Cavallo
Having previously not supported a change in the law, an eminent public health physician is questioning his previous stance, now that death is knocking on the door. Paul Cosford, MBBS, emeritus medical director at Public Health England, says that incurable lung cancer has prompted him to reconside...
Brain death, states of impaired consciousness, and physician-assisted death for end-of-life organ donation and transplantation In 1968, the Harvard criteria equated irreversible coma and apnea (i.e., brain death) with human death and later, the Uniform Determination of Death Act wa... JL Verhe...
The best comparison for the proposed Victorian model isOregon, as it permits only physician-assisted suicide (a doctor prescribes medication to a person, who must then take it themselves). Oregon's law has not changed in the 20 years it has been in operation. A limited exception to this t...
Until we can be confident that the care we need is readily available at the end of life, a debate on physician assistance in causing death is at the least a distraction from more critical issues and at the worst hazardous. This society needs changes in provider education, Medicare reform, ...
Euthanasia Assisted suicide Ethics Psychiatry Society International Abbreviations PAS-E Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia 1. Introduction The labelling and legal definitions of euthanasia or PAS vary by country and are debated (Emanuel, Onwuteaka-Philipsen, Urwin, & Cohen, 2016; Euthanasia and ...
meaning "good" andthanatos, meaning "death" and is defined as the painless induction of rapid death of a person by a doctor or other health specialist. Physician-assisted suicide is asuicidecarried out with the help of a doctor who prescribes a drug to induce a quick and painless death. ...
The experience with euthanasia in the Netherlands has colored the debate around the world regarding euthanasia and death with dignity, and whether physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia should be legalized (Cohen-Almagor 95). ... Other places distinguish between active and passive euthanasia, between...
The death by assisted suicide in Switzerland of Australian Dr. John Elliott, in early 2007 has highlighted the inadequacy of the law pertaining to medical
But a majority of the state's voters made clear--twice--that they favor physician-assisted suicides, at least in the limited cases of terminally ill people expected to live less than six months. The initiatives that approved assisted suicide had all the messy attributes of democracy, including...