Momentum builds for debate on legalizing marijuanaDAVID CRARY
Opponents, however, warn that legalizing marijuana could lead to an increase in unregulated drug use, making roads less safe and negatively impacting youth. Some also raise concerns that crime rates could rise as a result of wider marijuana availability. How the vote works A "yes" vote on Ame...
On top of that, insights from a few subjects have been compiled to see what different peoples thoughts on the topic are. What it all comes down to is that even if you don’t use the plant it is still going to have some impact on you. Legalizing marijuana means a regulated market, ...
The history on the use of marijuana (also known as cannabis) has been a big deterrent on legalizing this type of drug today. The controversy stems from the medical and legal implications that the U.S. Federal Government has towards the use of marijuana. Others controversies are associated to...
he went on to admit that although he was mostly against marijuna because it was damaging to health, he was in favor of "some" government wars, which I pointed out to him, often results in the killing of innocents, who weren't making a private choice to be killed, unlike marijuana users...
He succeeded two-term Republican Chris Christie, winning the 2017 election by double digits. He campaigned as a self-styled progressive, and four years later reprised the role. His two terms have seen a number of significant bills enacted, including legalizing recreational marijuana, fully funding...
23, 2018, legalizing gay marriage immediately. The government has 21 days to appeal and the ruling can be brought before the Privy Council in London, the final court of appeals for British overseas territories. On Jan. 10, 2018, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruled that gay ...
when: (1) a parent, legal guardian or adult spouse of a minor serves alcoholic beverages to that minor on real property, other than licensed premises, under the control of the parent, legal guardian or adult spouse; or (2) alcoholic beverages are used in the practice of religious beliefs....
And it means that we take marijuana out of the federal law as a crime and give states the freedom to go forward with legalizing marijuana. JOHN DICKERSON: Secretary-- Clinton, you told some Black Lives Matter activists recently that there's a difference between rhetoric and activism and what...
Bloomberg: Decriminalize marijuana, but move "very slowly" toward legalization From CNN's Eric Bradner Win McNamee/Getty Images Michael Bloomberg said he would support decriminalizing marijuana, though he wants to see its legality expanded by the states “very slowly.” “We should not make...