In time, its use became standard from Las Vegas to Columbus, Ohio, to Palm Beach County, Florida. The earliest death involving ketamine documented in AP’s investigation came in 2015, when 34-year-oldJuan Carrizaleswas injected after struggling with police in the Dalla...
Methylone is a a synthetic empathogen that has a similar chemical structure to MDMA. When taken, the analogue has similar effects to the body such as feelings of euphoria and an increase in sociability, heart rate, and body temperature. However, it’s often been described as a tweekier high...
A/C was on a low-level, NOE NVG navigation training flight approx 2 miles E of Samson at 2100 hours in Geneva County. Approx one minute after takeoff as A/C was making a left downwind departure from LZ after hot refuel, the A/C struck the ground in a left roll, nose-low attitude...