Death Valley National Monument(redirected from Death Valley National Park)Also found in: Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Death′ Val′ley Na′tional Mon′ument n. a national monument in E California, including most of Death Valley. 2980 sq. mi. (7718 sq. km). Random House Kernerman ...
死亡谷國家公園(Death Valley National Park)位於加州與內華達州交界, 為美國本土除了阿拉斯加州之外最大的國家公園. 公園內有西半球最低(低於海平面282英呎)的惡水盆地(Badwater Basin), 並有各樣沙漠特殊景觀如鹽湖, 沙丘和鹽溪. 另外公園內還有會移動的石頭等特殊地理奇觀. 因為該處屬於極端沙漠氣候, 除了非...
Death Valley, structural depression primarily in Inyo county, southeastern California, U.S. It is the lowest, hottest, and driest portion of the North American continent. Death Valley is about 140 miles (225 km) long, trends roughly north-south, and is f
DEATH VALLEY NATIONAL PARK.Presents information on the Death Valley National Park in California. Location of the park; Average annual rainfall; Highest recorded temperature.EBSCO_AspNational Geographic Traveler
死亡谷国家公园(Death Valley National Park)主要位于美国加利福尼亚州东南部,一小角延伸入内华达州境内。地理学上,公园位于北美的盆地与山脉区,这段地区地壳活动频繁,东面的地壳向东伸展、西面的地壳向西伸展,这里的地壳便呈条状下沉,分解成大致为南北走向的地垒﹝山脉﹞和地堑﹝盆地﹞。盆地和山脉区在死亡谷这里特别...
Valley就是山谷,也就是兩座山或是兩個山脈間的低處.死亡谷Death Valley與優勝美地谷Yosemite Valley都是這類型的地形,不過死亡谷的寬度,長度與景色和優勝美地谷是完完全全不一樣的風格.在優勝美地谷中好像手伸長一點就可以碰到兩側的山脈,在死亡谷中太寬闊了,有時候都忘記是在谷裡面.在死亡谷國家公園裡,有北美最低...
死亡谷国家公园(Death Valley National Park)是美国加州与内华达州交界处的一个广阔荒原,因其极端气候和独特地形而闻名。公园内有北美洲的最低点,同时也拥有世界上最高温记录。这里的景色极具戏剧性,充满荒凉的沙漠、盐碱地、彩色山脉和峡谷,是探险和自然爱好者的理想目的地。以下是死亡谷国家公园的详细旅游攻略: ...
Death Valley- a desert area that is part of the Mojave Desert in eastern California and southwestern Nevada; contains the lowest point in North America Calif.,California,Golden State,CA- a state in the western United States on the Pacific; the 3rd largest state; known for earthquakes ...
Explore the amazing natural beauty of Death Valley National Park, near Las Vegas, Nevada. Whether you're travelling for a day or a week, you'll never forget it.