505 Games 和小岛工作室正式宣布,《死亡搁浅》将于北京时间 8 月 23 日正式登陆 PC Game Pass!没错,上线日期马上就要到了! 相信大家和我们一样,迫不及待地想要在 PC Game Pass 中畅玩《死亡搁浅》了!PC Game Pass 版本的功能与 Steam 和 Epic Games Store 版本相同,包括高帧率、照片模式、困难模式和以及与...
From legendary game creator Hideo Kojima comes an all-new, genre-defying experience. Stay connected with the "Social Strand System™”. Sam Bridges must brave a world utterly transformed by the Death Stranding. Carrying the disconnected remnants of our future in his hands, he embarks on a jo...
What appears to be a cryptic tease from Xbox's official PC Game Pass Twitter account has led to speculation that Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding will join PC Game Pass soon. [Updated]
The official Twitter account for PC Game Pass has updated its profile picture that could be a tease that Hideo Kojima'sDeath Strandingmight be coming to the service. "Sometimes we just like a good landscape picture #NewProfilePic," reads a tweet from the official PC Game Pass Twitter ...
《死亡擱淺》即將登陸 PC GAME PASS - 九月 2022年 - 2022年9月23日 世界攝影日 – 相簿展示會 - 一月 2023年 - 2023年1月4日 《死亡擱淺導演剪輯版》贏得「出外必備良伴」項目大獎 2023年1月27日 《死亡擱淺》送貨員焦點 - 三月 2023年 - 2023年3月30日 DEATH STRANDING 与英国时装设计师合作,推出...
Death Stranding may be coming soon to Xbox Game Pass on PC, judging from some recent Twitter shenanigans. A few hours ago, the profile picture of the Xbox Game Pass official Twitter profile has been changed to that of a landscape that looks quite a bit like the desolate Icelandic landscapes...
From legendary game creator Hideo Kojima comes an all-new, genre-defying experience. Sam Bridges must brave a world utterly transformed by the Death Stranding. Carrying the disconnected remnants of our future in his hands, he embarks on a journey to reco
Death Stranding - probably the most underrated game of the PS4 gen. A true masterpiece even though I wish there was more combat/death involved. Currently on my second playthrough which means I have 131 hours into this game and enjoying every bit. ...
Use thePCGW community toolsto force any aspect ratio A workaround to remove theVert-scaling ofFMVs is included. Limited to height values supported by the game.[Note 5] Modify the game executable to force any aspect ratio[28] Open<path-to-game>\ds.exeor<path-to-game>\DeathStranding.exe...
傳奇遊戲創作人小島秀夫打破了遊戲分類的框架,打造出顛覆傳統的遊戲體驗。 山姆.布橋斯勇闖因死亡擱淺而面目全非的世界, 他背負著未來希望的碎片,踏上旅途,一步步重新連繫這個分崩離析的世界。