This explosion cannot occur again on a target for 3 min. rune_carved_plates = { 95035, 440282, 1 }, -- Each Rune spent reduces the magic damage you take by 2% and each Rune generated reduces the physical damage you take by 2% for 5 sec, up to 5 times. soul_rupture = ...
Boomstick: NEXT TIME ON DEATH BATTLE! A young woman is seen running from an unknown entity as she reaches a lake. She turns around and screams as the screen turns black. The lake is seen with the water bubbling under it and a dark red spreading. The body of the young woman rises to...
PZM (Pareto-Zipf-Mandelbrot, parabolic fractal) nuclear abundance distributions are observed for all stars comprising the sun and the universe as a hole. star size distributions are of the PZM Pareto-Zipf-Mandelbrot type (parabolic fractal) There are few giant stars, many medium size stars like ...
Each explosion has a 25% chance to apply Festering Wounds to enemies hit. scourge_strike = { 76190, 55090 , 1 }, -- An unholy strike that deals 5,151 Physical damage and 4,412 Shadow damage, and causes 1 Festering Wound to burst. sudden_doom = { 76191, 49530 , 1 },...
The explosion stuns all enemies within 8 yards for 3 sec and deals 10% of their health in Shadow damage. rot_and_wither = 5511, -- (202727) Your Death and Decay rots enemies each time it deals damage, absorbing healing equal to 100% of damage dealt. spellwarden = 5590, ...