Here is a rather exaustive list of Latin quotes about death with a lot of phrases about sadness and soffering thrown in. They range in their mood from confused annoyance to mild depression. The Latin language is simply best suited for somber and heavy phrases like that. A good number of ...
I greatly appreciate Mark for having put me on the path to this and other important but difficult truths but mostly I am just thankful and grateful to have known Mark and disappointed not to be able to see him again in this world but the sadness is softened by the knowledge that Mark ha...
let alone understand, subtlety, Michael Bay decides what will really ram home the magnitude and sadness of Bruce biting the big one is a inter-space chat between father and daughter, a crying Ben Affleck,
Sadness and pain are terribly appropriate when facing much of the world! They aren’t suffering. They aren’t bad. And the most soothing thing might be a reflection of my darkness, rather than a covering up. For me, dark things make me feel less alone. I often listen to dark music. ...
Peter looked on with sadness and horror as his beloved Bohemia went up in smoke. He wrote: For the sake of the future, we should not gloss over those things which we have now been suffering, and been eyewitnesses of, for over fifteen years43…when for reasons of faith one side has ris...
I’ve been very, very sad lately. Some might even call me “depressed.” There are a lot of reasons. Robin Williams’ suicide is not one of them. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not happy about what has come of him. I have fond memories of Mork and Mindy, just
Try to open yourself up to the anger, sadness, confusion, or feelings of abandonment as they arise. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, and it’s okay to feel any or all of these emotions. As time passes, you’ll likely begin to heal and feel better. Just remember, grief ...