Noun1.death rate- the ratio of deaths in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1000 per year deathrate,fatality rate,mortality rate,mortality infant deathrate,infant mortality,infant mortality rate- the death rate during the first year of life ...
Google Share on Facebook death grant n (Social Welfare) (in the British National Insurance scheme) a grant payable to a relative, executor, etc, after the death of a person Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998,...
Interstate Variations in Proportion of Mothers With History of Neonatal Death in India View LargeDownload Error bars indicate 95% CI; NFHS-4, National Family Health Survey; NMR, neonatal mortality rate. Figure 2. Adjusted Odds Ratios (ORs) for Neonatal Mortality for Overall Sample and Subgroup ...
The observed response rate for deaths outside hospitals was 86% (6,328/7,340), approximately what was expected from the pilot study. Table 2 compares the age and sex distribution of deaths from the sampling frame (registration data for deaths outside hospitals) with the age-sex distribution ...
Over half of all sub-Saharan countries included in this analysis (24 of 43) had at least one unit where the mean combined DALY rate was greater than 0.5 per child per year (Fig. 2a), and among these, 19 had subnational variation large enough that some units had at least twice the ...
(Pakistan), Lagos (Nigeria), Dhaka (Bangladesh) and Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea) have some of the highest murder rates in the world, but there are no reliable statistics andInterpolrefuses to make its statistics public. Caracas, Venezuela reputedly has a murder rate over 100 per 100,000...
spectrometry (AMS)14C analysis. The resulting relation between14C age andd/lis used to calibrate the rate of racemization for a particular taxon from a study area (Figure 20). The calibrated rate can then be applied to other shells whose ages were not determined by14C (e.g.,Kosnik et al...
Reducing Potentially Excess Deaths from the Five Leading Causes of Death in the Rural United States In 2014, the all-cause age-adjusted death rate in the United States reached a historic low of 724.6 per 100,000 population (1). However, mortality in rural (nonmetropolitan) areas of the Unit... death's door,in serious danger of dying; gravely ill. to death,to do so often that boredom or staleness sets in. 3.put to death,to kill; execute. death,to an intolerable degree:sick to death of working. [before 900; Middle Englishdeeth,Old Englishdēath;c. Old ...
IMPACT OF CONSUMER PRICE INDEX, REAL EFFECTIVE EXCHANGE RATE INDEX, PER CAPITA INCOME AND DISCOUNT RATE ON PAKISTAN'S STOCK MARKET INDEX Stock market indexes and macro-economic variables have significant relationship and it has been a topic of keen interest for researchers, academics and professionals...