In comedy-drama Brass, he was the ruthless self-made businessman Bradley Hardacre, playing the role from 1982 to 1984 before returning for a third series in 1990. In 2019, the Bradford-born actor played Private Godfrey in Dad’s Army: The Lost Episodes, a recreation of three missing episo...
During 1975-85 postneonatal mortality in all immigrant groups except Pakistanis fell to a similar or lower rate than that in the United Kingdom group; Pakistanis showed a persistent excess. During 1984-5 several immigrant groups (from the Republic of Ireland, India, west Africa, and the ...
Over half of all sub-Saharan countries included in this analysis (24 of 43) had at least one unit where the mean combined DALY rate was greater than 0.5 per child per year (Fig. 2a), and among these, 19 had subnational variation large enough that some units had at least twice the ...
While SM Krishna and Perneet Kaur, are vehemently appealing Pakistan to releaseSarabjit Singh on humanitarian grounds, on the other hand Indian Government hasalways shown a merciless attitude in the cases of Sikhs who have been awardeddeath sentence in India added Peermohammad. Since 1984 several...
Why are toddler girls at risk of death and under- nutrition in a slum area of Pakistan? Lancet. 1984;1:797.Lovel, H.J., Sabir, N.I. and Cleland, J. Why are toddler girls at risk of death and undernutrition in a slum area of Pakistan? Lancet, 1984; 1: 797....
Shortly after theSoviet UnioninvadedAfghanistanin 1979, bin Laden, who viewed the invasion as an act of aggression againstIslam, began traveling to meetAfghan resistanceleaders and raise funds for the resistance. By 1984 his activities were centred mainly in Afghanistan and Pakistan, where hecollabora...
in the early 1920s. The omission is understandable, since Nehru’s role in Indian politics was secondary until he was elected president of the Congress Party in 1929, when he presided over the historic session atLahore(now inPakistan) that proclaimed complete independence as India’s political ...
These individuals returned 113 completed questionnaires that were then analyzed; hence, the response rate was 56.50%. Those who completed the study were practicing physicians between 25 and 35 years of age, with a mean age of 28.63 ± 1.90 years. Women constituted the majority of the respondents...