King Thor Odinson is a superhero from Marvel Comics. He appeared in the 21st episode of Death Battle, Thor VS Raiden, where he fought against Raiden from the Mortal Kombat series. He returned for the 84th episode, Thor VS Wonder Woman, where he fought ag
毕竟一千个读者,就会有一千个二册,还有两千个胖胖。标题:DEATH BE NOT PROUD是英国伊丽莎白时代玄学派约翰·邓恩的一首《死神你莫骄傲》的十四行诗的标题。本人又给本剧集取个接地气的名字,叫做《宝妈莫琳回魂记》。本集是专门献给由二册和胖胖主演的《九号秘事》、《疯城记》和《绅士联盟》的英剧迷的专集。本...
Superman fights a never–ending battle for truth. So starHenry Cavill,the latest to play the man of steel, had to set the record straight when he learned his Wikipedia page had been changed to saythe actorhad died on Saturday, March 3. The 34-year-old shared a screen grab of the bio...
第二天一大早,比蒂梳洗完毕照着镜子检查妆容后精神抖擞地上班去了(正应了那个段子:自从得了神经病,整个人精神多了!优酷剪掉了丈夫山姆的尸体躺在浴缸里的片段)。临走时,莫琳打开了墙上的收音机,布莱克·雷斯Black Lace的Superman从收音机里响起,大卫和莫琳的亡魂又在房子里欢快地挑起打气歌的超人舞了,他们母子俩...