Directed by Armando Iannucci (The Thick Of It and In The Loop), the film depicts the death of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin and the chaos it creates amongst the Council of Ministers in the aftermath, as they all fight for the top position. The official movie trailer showcases its snappy ...
Joseph Stalin was born Josef Vissarionovich Djugashvili on December 18, 1878, or December 6, 1878, according to the Old StyleJulian calendar(although he later invented a new birth date for himself: December 21, 1879). He grew up in the small town of Gori, Georgia, then part of the Ru...
distributed power structures ultimately, become vertical hierarchies. That was true in the Bolshevik revolutions of 1917, when a circle of insiders around Joseph Stalin created a hierarchy within the supposedly distributed network of citizens who overthrew the Czar. ...
Many of the barbaric practices credited to Joseph Stalin, such as putting political opponents in the gulags, were pioneered by Trotsky. In 1918, Trotsky drew up a plan to use POW camps that were housing foreign soldiers released under the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk to imprison intellectuals, ...
And even in that symphony, meant, in parts, to depict the brutality of Hitler, it is open to interpretation whether the actual brutality to which Shostakovitch refers is that of Stalin. So maybe we should conclude that Shostakovitch chose to Snark Against The Machine. Does that make him ...
it will play out here. Australian style military roundupswillhappen here.Jon Rappoportput it this way; “Thesociopaths and their storm-trooperswho run Australia would make Hitler and Stalin envious. “You mean you canexercise iron control over a whole nation based on aSTORY ABOUT A VIRUS?”...
“Stalin recruited for Nuremberg some of the same judges and prosecutors who had served during the Moscow Trials. Principal members of the Soviet team at Nuremberg … had made their careers by helping Vyshinskii” and “USSR’s chief prosecutor at Nuremberg, Roman Rudenko, had gotten similar ex...
Michelle remained free on bail for three years until the trial in 2017. She waived her right to a jury trial and left it up to the judge to decide the case. Why did Michelle Carter waive her right to a trial by jury? The defense team knew that Michelle Carter's text messages were ...
Stalin was actively preparing for such a war throughout the 1930’s. One thing caused these calculations not go up as expected and necessitated the US intervention in Europe, preventing Bolshevization/Judaisation of the WHOLE continent already in the 1940’s: The cause was an unexpected ...