The humour in The Death of Stalin is often very "dark" indeed, souring the humour to the extent that it spoils whatever merits this movie and its creators, producers, and actors exhibit. A big disappointment. Nope N Jan 15, 2024
The movie's title is somewhat of a giveaway.The Death of Stalinis a British-French dark comedy loosely inspired by the true story of the chaos that ensued in the Soviet government after dictator Joseph Stalin's death in 1953. The film is a satire of the power struggle that quickly develo...
The Death of Stalinwas written and shot before Trump took office, though it cannot help but reflect our current cult of personality surrounding the celebrity-turned-President, a figure allegedly controlled by Russian interests. Certainly, it’s enough if the filmoccupied nothing more than a histori...
The Death of Stalin Movie Info SynopsisWhen tyrannical dictator Joseph Stalin dies in 1953, his parasitic cronies square off in a frantic power struggle to become the next Soviet leader. Among the contenders are the dweebish Georgy Malenkov, the wily Nikita Khrushchev and Lavrenti Beria -- the...
语言的死亡(Death of Speech) 滑板少年短片魔鬼的死亡游戏 产品广告/游戏玩具 数字时代的死亡和悲伤记录短片 纪录片/国外 《斯大林的死亡》预告片@#1 _2018_ | MOVICECLIP拖车(The Death of Stalin Teaser Trailer #1 _2018_ | Movieclips Trailers)
Learn about George Reeves death and the true story behind the Hollywoodland movie starring Ben Affleck as TV's Superman. See real George Reeves photos, and pics of the real Eddie Mannix, Toni Mannix, Leonore Lemmon and others.
《斯大林的死亡》预告片@#1 _2018_ | MOVICECLIP拖车(The Death of Stalin Teaser Trailer #1 _2018_ | Movieclips Trailers) 孤独的死亡之地_2011_ 电影预告片】(A Lonely Place to Die _2011_ Movie Trailer HD - Fantastic Fest) 如何从生锈的死亡中拯救你的铸铁9MQ(How to Save Your Cast Iron From...
Terry, Josh
Death of Stalin is one of those movies I watch over and over again. Steve Buscemi and Jeffery Tambor carried their roles so very...
The movie opens with a frenzied and hilarious sequence in which the members of the Central Committee receive news of Stalin's death and scramble to make arrangements for his funeral. As various characters jockey for position, alliances are formed and broken, secrets are revealed, and loyalties ar...