While these events give way to Eren’s discovery of unlocking the power of a Titan itself, his motivations turn murkier with the progression of the series, with Eren emerging more as an anti-hero figure with covert ambitions. The death of Carla Yeager lies at the heart of Eren’s heartbre...
@ErenYeagerdeath darkflamemasterdeath 暂无简介 关注私信 0 Stars 0 Watches 1 Followers 0 Following https://github.com/darkflamemasterdeath 概览仓库星选集 贡献度 2024 周一 周四 周日 十二月 一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 七月 八月 九月 十月 ...
The series is set in a post-apocalyptic world where most of humanity has been devoured by giants called Titans — resembling naked, ravenous, dead-eyed 20-foot-tall humans. "Attack on Titan" follows a young boy named Eren Yeager as he learns to fight the Titans with his friends. It's ...
@ErenYeagerdeath darkflamemasterdeath 暂无简介 关注私信 0 Stars 0 Watches 1 Followers 0 Following https://github.com/darkflamemasterdeath 概览仓库星选集 所有个人的我参与的 Forks暂停/关闭的 全部公开的0私有的0 排序 最近更新 最新创建 仓库名称 ...
The main goal when treating malignancies with radiation therapy is to deprive tumor cells of their reproductive potential. One approach to achieve this is