Edward II, as every schoolchild used to know, was said to have been murdered with a red-hot poker thrust into his bowels. Edward's reign had been a catastrophe: humiliating defeat at the hands of the Scots, and crisis points of near anarchy arising from the king's dependence on what Se...
Neal Edward Smith (March 23, 1920 – November 2, 2021) was an American politician who was a member of the United States House of Representatives for the Democratic Party from Iowa from 1959 until 1995, the longest-serving Iowan in the United States House of Representatives. Upon the death ...
(Tahitian Ukulele) • Pixie Prong (Flabiol I cobla) • Big Old Bell (Trychle) • Sheep Stick (Zampogna a chiave) • Cork Choker (Gopuz) • Lemur Poker (Erhu) • Face Pinner (Sho) • Booty Juker (Ugly Stick) • Tiny Stools (Pat-Waing) All of the fake names are ...
The fall of Edward II: Failures in kingship and masculinity, the letter of Manuel Fieschi and the cult of resurrected celebrities Edward II is a monarch whose name is almost synonymous with scandal and failure, and the infamous tale of his murder by red-hot poker at Berkeley Castle is one ...