Template:DataMonster Necromancer Deathword Data ParameterValue NameNecromancer Deathword IsBossNo IsSpecialNo IsAPCYes IsSummonNo Type Type2(Type2 empty) Type3(Type3 empty) Family(Family missing) Family2(Family2 empty) ClassSlayer Sprite
A wish came true... A dream became a reality... This is set to become an actual episode of Death Battle. Check out the Death Battle Wiki’s page for it here.
but we notice our declining potency. Worse, every extra eight years that we live, past the age of around 35, we become twice as likely to die within the next year. In other words, our mortality rate increases
the stresses of the very last line, reduced from four to three, seem gentler and, aided by the use of a two-syllable word, more lilting: “Thenchief-lylives.” Try reading just the fourth line of each quatrain in succession, and notice the difference in tone at the...
“You thought that we wouldn’t notice that massive light, Optimus and Optimus’...uh…friend, huh?” One booming voice spoke from the flagship—the largest of the ships. “Prepare to fall, Optimus. You, your friend and all Autobots…: “We have had our differences, Superman…I hope...
Nice job getting Martin Armstrong on short notice, Greg. Heard The Duran podcast today with Robert Barnes interview by Alexander Mercouris. This country is on the precipice. As long as I live I will never forget listening live to you and Gerald Celente election night 2020 when the 6 ...
Notice that in response to Aaron and Moses’ subsequent challenges, the magicians repeated some of the miracles that their opponents had previously executed. Ironically, instead of undoing their opponents’ actions against Egypt, the magicians used their heka to further destroy the maat of Egypt by...
Regarding TextMode, you'll notice that it's only being used once: oop.inherits(Mode, TextMode);. If your new language depends on the rules of another language, you can choose to inherit the same rules, while expanding on it with your language's own requirements. For example, PHP inherit...
threatening to pull other cities into the action. The Romans would wipe out that one city, no matter how wealthy (Palmyra comes to mind) to put any other potential rebels on notice. Kind of like a mastectomy. You lose one productive part of the body in order to keep cancer from spreadin...