Welcome to Death Note Wiki High school student Light Yagami discovers a supernatural notebook that allows him to kill anyone by writing the victim's name while picturing their face. The story follows his attempts to become a god by creating a New World cleansed of evil by using the notebook...
Death Note Timeline January 10th 2004 - Three small-time thieves are killed by Light Yagami with the Death Note. 2005 - Wedy is killed by Light Yagami with the Death Note. See the Manga Timeline for more! Community Death Note Wiki was created by fans, for fans, and you can help! See...
Death Note: Notatnik śmierci Death Note: The Last Name L: Change the WorLd Death Note: New Generation Death Note: Light Up the NEW World Death Note (2017) Death Note: Another Note L: Change the WorLd Death Note: Kira Game Death Note: Successor to L ...
Death Note's Wiki Explora Portada Discusiones Todas las páginas Comunidad Mapas Interactivos Entradas de blog recientes Death Note Autores Tsugumi Ōhba Takeshi Obata Personajes principales Light Yagami Ryuk L Misa Amane Rem Near Mello Kira Light Yagami Misa ...
Death Note (デスノート Desu Nōto?) is a manga series created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and manga artist Takeshi Obata. The main character is Light Yagami, a high school student who discovers a supernatural notebook, the "Death Note", dropped on Earth by a death god named Ryuk. It ...
without ever having had to reveal himself to Light, so that L will have gained all the advantage. Also, while writing the name "Hideki Ryuga" into the Death Note, the face of the pop singer bearing that name might enter Light's thoughts involuntarily, and that would cause the death of ...
Death Note is very popular crime/suspense manga, with an anime adaption in 2007, revolving around the main character Light Yagami's use of the titular magic notebook, which he can use to kill anyone so long as he knows their name and face. Both versions are pretty much required viewing/...
Puppy: But there’s also power that comes with it. Whoever is in possession of the Death Note has command over Ryuk, who serves as an advisor of sorts. Kitty: And with this incredibly overpowered book of his, Light became the “god of the new world” and began to systemically kill the...
over 50 nonillion light-years across.[Note 2] Popup: The 60 trillion light-year rate would last longer than our own universe's epoch. As the DC timeline ends 22 billion years after the present, its universe's scope should be even larger. Boomstick: Non-li-what? That's 31 zeroes!
In which case, I' il erase your memory of the "Death Note" opensubtitles2 En d'autres termes, leDeath Noteest le lien qui nous unit. In other words, theDeath Noteis a bond between Light the human and Ryuk the Shinigami. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 ...