1 Day to 3 Days Harassment or Bullying of other users (Extensive provoking, belittling, and mocking) Rage Repeated use of Memes and/or the Forbidden Terms Repeated use of Non-Constructive Criticism Sexual Conduct Spoiling an official Death Battle before the 1 day/24 hour mark has passed. ...
There's a much different, more interesting game lingering within Drawn To Death, a stylish character study of the type of person who spends his nights posting dank animal-abuse memes on Reddit and breathing too hard into the mic before calling someone a “cuck” for playing Hanzo in Overwatc...
A belgian ufo researcher who was also doing research on child-porn and pedo ring also committed suicide , just a normal everyday suicide , but he left a note to his family in a file he never used to use being a journalist , and he had a personal website where i went to , just to...