Death Note (デスノート Desu Nōto?) is a manga series created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and manga artist Takeshi Obata. The main character is Light Yagami, a high school student who discovers a supernatural notebook, the "Death Note", dropped on Earth by a death god named Ryuk. It ...
Main articles:Death Note 13: How to ReadandYonkoma Death Note 13: How to Readdescribes L in theDeath Noteyonkomaas the "holder of the world's greatest mind" and having the "powerful ability to act like a fool."Death Note 13: How to Readadds that in the yonkoma, "it's like [L wa...
Death Note is very popular crime/suspense manga, with an anime adaption in 2007, revolving around the main character Light Yagami's use of the titular magic notebook, which he can use to kill anyone so long as he knows their name and face. Both versions are pretty much required viewing/...
Death Note Killer Within is truly fascinating, even to look at from a distance. It’s a smart adaptation of a Shonen Jump manga that is famous for challenging what “Shonen Jump manga” could be at its moment in time. Seeing the characters pop up in games like Jump Ultimate Stars or Ju...
A bit more than the first half of the series contains some wholesome and light-hearted moments, but the show keeps getting darker and the characters become more serious as the plot progresses. The whole concept of the show is how people can use a notebook to kill almost anyone they want ...
Death Note is a shounen series created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and artist Takeshi Obata. It began as a manga serialized in Weekly Shounen Jump in 2003, and it has been adapted into a live-action Japanese film series beginning in 2006, an anime series in 2006, a musical in 2015, a live...
Death Note Main Version 1.00 font(Font family name:Death Note Main;Font style name:Regular),251 characters in total.Character distribution range:Basic Latin,Latin-1 Supplement,Latin Extended-A,Latin Extended-B,Spacing Modifier Letters,General Punctuation
Death Note is a Japanese animated series. Part One takes you into the life of a high school student by the name of Light Yagami who finds the book of the god of the dead called the Death Note and uses it to try to take over the world. ...
Death Note: Regia di Shûsuke Kaneko. Con Tatsuya Fujiwara, Ken'ichi Matsuyama, Asaka Seto, Yû Kashii. Una battaglia tra le due più grandi menti del mondo inizia quando Light Yagami trova il Death Note, un quaderno con il potere di uccidere, e deci
Even though I'm new to "Death Note", I still have a zeal for it. It was, I apprehended, a comic strip before. The exciting plot attracts me a lot, I especially like the twists in it, and the truth won't come out until finish watching the whole movie. Moreover, it also stimulat...