The aim of the present paper is more general than that of Behrouzan’s, and therefore, similar to the works by Good and Good (based on their field work in Iran between 1972 and 1976), insofar as it does not focus on a particular sub-population within Iran. However, there are important...
Symptoms of somatization were assessed using the SCL questionnaire, somatization subscales [20]. Quality of life in terms of psychological, physical, social, and environmental well-being was determined using the EUROHIS-QOL questionnaire [21]. Racially based discrimination was assessed in a subgroup ...
Phyllanthus amarus is widely grown in this sub-continent and used traditionally to treat many common ailments. In the present study, lignan rich fraction of P. amarus extract was used on cervical cancer cell lines (HeLa, SiHa and C33A) to study it’s mec
perforin signal was strongly associated with distinct regions where PS was exposed (Fig.7b, c; Supplementary Video1). Of note, nucleated cells employ an exocytic membrane repair response that is capable of protecting cells from an acute perforin lysis15, meaning EL4 cells do not immediately become...
Another hypothesis is that selective calcium microdomains might be altered in dystrophic myofibers leading to disease. In 2001, Robertet al.used calcium sensing aequorin protein targeted to different intracellular locations. They showed that a subsarcolemmal aequorin protein detected increased calcium levels...