Death Note (デスノート, Desu Nōto) is a series of live-action Japanese films, including a short film and a miniseries. It is based on the Death Note manga series by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata. The first two films adapt the manga series with some not
It was released on June 17, 2006 by VAP.[28] Sound of Death Note the Last name is the soundtrack from the second Death Note film, Death Note the Last name. It was released on November 2, 2006.[29] Death Note Tribute is a tribute album dedicated to the live action movie for the ...
Additional Thoughts:Death Note‘s success as a hit manga series has led to adaptations across numerous media. In 2006, an anime version aired in Japan, comprised of 37 twenty-minute episodes, now available in the USA–amazon link here. Then, two live actionDeath Notefilms were released...
Gregory J. Leighton (Toruń) for revisingthe English manuscript. On the forms of proper names, see the Note on Names of Places, Persons andDates at the beginning of the volume. The unpublished texts are quoted below and published in the ap-Open Access. © 2024 the author(s), published...
Profiles filmmakers Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky, and their new film 'Brother's Keeper.' How they got the job and how they kept the job; The true story behind the film; How they are distributing the film themselves; Details.DubnerStephenJ.SmithChrisEBSCO_AspNew York...
Sudden Cardiac Death in the Young.A letter to the editor is presented about sudden cardiac death in the young.doi:10.1159/000105556DubrawskyDepartment of Diagnostic ImagingKyoto University Graduate School of MedicineChagaiDepartment of Diagnostic ImagingKyoto University Graduate School of MedicineCardiology...
DubreyConsultantSimonConsultantW.ConsultantBMJ: British medical journal
Love and death.Focuses on the career of French actress Romane Bohringer. Characters in the films `Savage Nights' and `The Accompanist'; Reactions to the French press's portrayal of her as a spokeswoman for AIDS and symbol of nineties anti-chic.DubnerStephen J.BiggsMelissa E.New York...
RosserConsultantG.ConsultantDahdalConsultantM.ConsultantT.ConsultantGillmoreConsultantJ.ConsultantEBSCO_AspClinical MedicineDubrey SW, Rosser G, Dahdal MT, Gillmore JD. Diagnostic dilemma and sudden death outcome: a case of amyloid cardiomyopathy. Clinical medicine. 2012; 12(6):596-597....
An of the study "Progressive heart failure, rather than sudden death, accounts for most early deaths in patients with newly diagnosed heart failure," by P. A. Mehta and colleagues is presented.MehtaP.A.DubreyS.W.McIntyreH.F.Walker