永远断绝意识的死亡,和暂时断绝意识的睡眠,只有时间长短的区别。诗人雪莱在《麦布女王》中说得好:“How wonderful is Death, / Death, and hisbrother Sleep!(死亡是多么地神奇,睡眠是他的兄弟!)”那么,这即意味死亡,也只不过是在做一场没有醒来的梦而已。莎士比亚说得更为彻底:“死即睡眠,它不过如此!”“生存...
Sleep Is Death is a storytelling game for two players by Jason Rohrer. Players take turns telling a story. One person is the 'Controller' - the storyteller. The Controller sets the scenes, the music and/or audio. The second person is the Player. The Player interacts with the scenes, ...
P398400. Korean Reading for Absolute Beginners - Taking a Taxi from the Station 01:18 P399401. Ask a Korean teacher with Jae! 01:52 P400402. Korean Superstitions - Fan Death and Eating Taffy 01:39 P401403. Korean Reading for Beginners - What is the Last Stop of this Train 01:23 P40...
在希腊神话中,夜神女神尼克斯(Nyx)有两个孩子:睡眠之神Hypnos (sleep) 和死亡之神Thanatos (death)。
Can death be sleep, when life is but a dream, 当生命只是一个梦,死亡就是昏睡一场,And scenes of bliss pass as a phantom by? 难道甜蜜的往昔只是瞬息的幻象 ?The transient pleasures as a vision seem, 似乎过去了的快乐还在遥远的彼端,And yet we think the greatest pain's to ...
Sleep Is Death Lite.Reprints the article "Sleep Is Death Lite," which appeared in "Crimewave" journal. Views on sleep; Attitude of the society toward sleep; Fascination of people with sleep.KayJeffUtne
Death is nothing more than a sleep这句话怎么翻译? 只看楼主 收藏 回复_Frozenheart Senior 8 () 超サイヤ人2 Sophomor 6 死和睡觉没什么两样 罗曼咖 Junior 7 死亡只不过是一个睡眠 zhengweiqy Sophomor 6 死亡不过是长眠。 柳寒尘 Pupil 2 死只不过是一种睡眠而已. 绝版小叔 ...
1.Theme:Thethemeis“human’scontemptfordeath”.Thepoemtellsthereaderthat death has no right to be proud, since human beings do not die but live eternally after “one short sleep.” The poet lifts the dreadful and mighty mask of death by explaining ...
Whereas 10 years ago I would have worried myself todeathabout it, now I accept it is part of the game... 10 年前我会为此担心得要命,但现在我接受了它是游戏的一部分。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 They worked themselves todeathbut never lost their humour. ...