Death, a character in Adventure Time, has the power to control death, resurrect beings like Princess Plant and Jake, and remove immortality. He can become intangible and invisible at will, and uses a flight method similar to driving an unseen vehicle. He can restore memory with the 'Kiss of...
Yes, we're starting in 1985. It's a divisive year for some as the true birth of death metal is at a decades-long standstill with Possessed's Seven Churches and Death's Scream Bloody Gore still locking horns.There is no way to solve this debate and both albums will forever be linked ...
This is one of the best things about this album and of all of Death, Chuck's ability to write great lyrics that can actually be understood by the listener without that person looking at a lyric sheet. This allows even those who need to know the lyrics to focus on the music. If you...
Martin at the 43rd Annual TusCon | Credit: Wikimedia CommonsWars, character growth, and world-building are elements Martin understands all too well. So the Netflix animated series that managed to make his gears turn again and again might be surprising to some, but not to most. Blue Eye ...
Roll Initiative from Character Sheet (limited system support) Changed Hide NPC Names now correctly hides names buried in chat message contents (Case-insensitive). NOTE: Hide NPC Names may break other modules that attach listeners to chat messages. If you are experiencing issues with behaviour relate...
“To clarify, the basis for what Sumeru supports comes from the Buddhist cosmology lectures sourced in the character sheet. Though the article Jim wrote was what made me initially take note of the feat. ...
The main female character is called Ayami (and sometimes other names). Bae has explained that “According to Siberian shamanism [the forebear of Korean shamanism], ayami is the name for the spirit that enters the shaman’s body and communicates matters of the other world to them.” But Debo...
but just as the subgenre seemed to have been milked dry, Insomnium crafted a more perfect sphere. 'Shadows of the Dying Sun' is true melodeath mastery, with vocalists Ville Friman and Niilo Sevanen switching off between clean and guttural singing, respectively, with captivating character. Who ...
Near an iron stove, underneath one of the sheets, is an unlocked wooden trunk containing the skeletal remains of the family’s nursemaid, wrapped in a tattered bedsheet stained with dry blood. A character inspecting the remains and succeeding on a DC 14 Wisdom (Medicine) check can ...
As she is seated watching the film and admiring the actress playing her character. However, she’s far from relaxing as K. T. Harris had made an embarrassing scene during dinner. Eve is back on the beat to do what she was just watching an actress act about her....