Marked for Death: Directed by Dwight H. Little. With Steven Seagal, Basil Wallace, Keith David, Tom Wright. A retired DEA agent is out to hunt down and take out a Jamaican drug posse that has targeted he and his family for murder.
In 2010, he became a flashpoint for opposition to Arizona's SB1070 anti-illegal immigrant law, which was largely struck down by the Supreme Court of the United States. Arpaio is also known for investigating former U.S. President Barack Obama's birth certificate, and, as of 2018, he ...
The human body is sacrosanct, and no other human, even if he 'purchased' itwith a band of gold and has a certificate or contract signed by both under acovenant of matrimony, owns it. And we have to teach our children this andteach them early. Research demonstrates that sexual abuse is ...