Death-certificate-initiated caseRecord linkageBackground:Death certificates are an important source of information for cancer registries. The aim of this study was to validate the cancer information on death certificates, and to investigate the effect of including death certificate initiated (DCI) cases...
Physician certification training programs were based on the principles of multiple causes of death using the standard international medical certificate of cause of death [35], which is consistently used throughout Thailand for certifying deaths in hospitals. The training programs included exercises to ...
Other than Covid-19, we analysed the two principal causes of death in France: cardiovascular diseases and cancers, as the underlying cause in the death certificate. There are two main reasons why we limit ourselves to those two. In the first place, as they are – by far – the two main...
The physician preparation procedure was compared with a procedure wherein a panel of three nosologists coded the original death certificate for the underlying cause of death. The procedures agreed on the three-digit International Classification of Disease, Adapted code in 60.1% of the cases. The ...
Data on underlying cause of death was based on an individual’s death certificate, which was completed by a physician. For example, if a cancer patient died from pneumonia, the physician reported pneumonia as the immediate cause of death and cancer as the underlying cause of death. Only one ...
Where do I get a death certificate in Kern County? What do coroners do to a dead body? How do I get an autopsy report in Kern County? Are autopsies public record in California? How long does it take to get a copy of a death certificate in California?
Fourth, death certificate data commonly used to identify cause of death may be misclassified and underestimated. Conclusions In this study, previously incarcerated youths were significantly more likely to experience early death compared with Medicaid-enrolled youths in the general population. Homicide was...
Cause-specific mortality was classified by the underlying cause of death listed on the death certificate. Cardiovascular deaths are identified by ICD-9 codes (390–459) and ICD-10 codes (I00–I99), while cancer-related deaths are defined using ICD-9 codes (140–239) and ICD-10 codes (C00...
The MDPH translates death certificate entries into ICD-10 cause of death codes using software developed by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).23 We defined “drug overdose” as drug poisoning deaths that were unintentional (codes X40-X44) or of undetermined intent (codes Y10-Y14...
Three outcomes were analysed: all-cause registered death and cardiac registered death (ICD-10 code I30-I52 mentioned on the death certificate), from ONS death registrations; and all-cause hospital death, recorded in HES. Each analysis included all participants who experienced the outcome of interest...