Murder by French Fry When health concerns developed over the use of saturated animal oils in french fries, the fast food industry changed its cooking oil. They switched to a polyunsaturated vegetable oil. That was good. But in treating that unsaturated oil to make it better for fryi...
We provide an updated record of Tesla fatalities and Tesla accident deaths that have been reported and as much related crash data as possible (e.g. location of crash, names of deceased, etc.). This sheet also tallies each claimed and confirmed Tesla autopilot crash, i.e. every instance of...
Summary The first reports about death in connection with auto-erotic activities date back to around 1900 in the German literature. The individuals concerned are mostly discovered in locked-up rooms. It is also the experience from death investigations that there is usually no knowledge among the nex...
autophonomania an obsession with suicide. cerement,cerements the cloth or clothing in which the dead are wrapped for burial or other form of funeral. cinerarium a place where the cremated remains of the dead are stored. —cinerary,adj. ...
accident →accidente Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009 ac·ci·dent n.accidente; by ___→por casualidad, sin querer; car ___→___ automovilístico; occupational ___→___ del trabajo, ocupacional; traffic ___→___ de tráfico. ...
If you are in need of legal services due to a wrongful death or auto accident, contact Jim Crabtree Law in Lenexa, KS to schedule your free consultation.
Were they riding a bicycle at the time of the accident? About 780 bicyclists are killed every year in the U.S., primarily by people driving passenger vehicles or trucks. Sadly, during the last 10 years when overall auto fatalities decreased, bicyclist deaths have increased. Car Collision Did...
Also, 59.6% of the dead died during the first 24 hours of the accident. The most common cause of death, according to the results of oral autopsy, was "multiple injuries," accounting for 49.5% of the patients in 45 patients. Conclusion Abundance of deaths among pati...
Winemaker Malbec Dies in Auto Accident Napa Innovator Mondavi Dies Margaux Mourns Pontallier's Death It's worth taking a moment in a noisy autumn to quietly consider the scope of Mary Novak's success. Born Mary Weber in Los Angeles, she met her future husband Jack Novak while working on he...
But cells may die by design as well as by accident. Research in developmental pathology has stressed the biological importance of this other kind of cell death, which has been referred to as programmed cell death. In vertebrates it has been calledapoptosisand in invertebrates,cell deletion. Progr...