Death Battle: Created by Ben B. Singer. With Ben B. Singer, Chad James, Chris Guerrero, Billy Burson III. Fictional characters from movies, comics, manga, television programs, literature and video games are created in a simulated battle to the death.
Here it is folks. The battle everyone has been waiting for. Who will it be? Batman or Spider-Man. Who will win? 7.9/10(62) S1.E24 ∙ Pikachu VS Blanka Thu, Sep 20, 2012 Pokémon VS Street Fighter: A bestial battle of electric power. Can the quick-footed mouse take down the fer... 很具有震撼感的一期3d动画,就算眼睛被超人和狗空那一期养刁了也会觉得很棒,期待明年db能有更好的作品吧,这一季经费都挺足的 动画 综合 动画 变形金刚 Death battle 战斗动画 ...
Death Battle Season 10. Sonic the Werehog vs. Fierce Deity Link Light Yagami (Death Note) vs. Lelouch vi Britannia (Code Geass) Yes, yes, YES! But Lelouch would win. Light's too cocky. Kenpachi Zaraki vs. Kratos Wolverine vs. Captain America Captain America is fighting Batman in the nex...
This article is about the properly re-examined version of Death Battle's 25th episode. You may be looking for the original classic version of Goku VS Superman from 2013 or the publicly-stated-to-be-irrelevant sequel from 2015. Goku VS Superman is the 186
In the beginning of last year, I made a top 10 list about my most wanted Death Battle episodes. Another season has passed since then. Loads of my opinions have also changed. Seriously, can't believe I put a matchup as uninspiring as Cervantes vs Spinal in the top 3 just because ...
CRAFTING in Season 4 10:24 【暗黑4】Wudijo|Diablo 4 - The "GoD DH Barb" is coming in Season 4 08:43 【暗黑4】Frostylaroo|Firesides and Horses 02:11 【暗黑4】ROB|THE FIRST VIABLE GENERATOR BARB BUILD - BASH for Season 4! Diablo 4 13:34 【暗黑4】ROB|旋风蛮 Whirlwind Damage Build ...
Magneto VS Tetsuo is the 161st episode of Death Battle, featuring Magneto from Marvel Comics and Tetsuo Shima from the Akira series in a battle between telekinetic mutant revolutionaries. Magneto was voiced by Edward Bosco and Tetsuo was voiced by Joshua
I'm personally having high hopes. I'm also personally letting you know that unless it takes so long that there's no point in waiting for it, the final conclusion of this battle won't be made until after No More Heroes 3 is released. I don't wanna have a fight become outdated the ...
My most wanted Death Battle of all time! My Season 1 finale! I suppose I have to explain my reasoning behind the fight right? K... 1. Sh*t load of similarities, the most important being "Defenders of Light". Others include them both being naive teenage boys, can act goofy yet also...