Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti, also known as Guru Gobind Singh’s Prakash Diwas (“Enlightenment Day”), is celebrated every year by the followers of Sikhism to commemorate his birth anniversary. The date of his birth according to theGregorian calendarusually falls in January. The celebrations include...
READ|Lala Lajpat Rai Birth Anniversary: 20 Inspirational quotes and Famous Quotes by 'Punjab Kesari' Lala Lajpat Rai Biography: Early Life and Family He was born on 28 January 1865, in Dhudike, India. He was the eldest son of his parents. His father was a scholar of two languages namely...
and he started it by rejoining the Congress Party and getting Political support from the British Raj and India; he picked a month of Christmas to deliver a message to Indian that it's not because of British Guns but imperfections and