One of our servers asked me to make her something stirred and boozy. So I threw four of my favorite spirits into an old-fashioned template, splitting the base four ways. These brown spirits needed something to tie them together. Avery Glasser (of the bitters company Bittermens) happened...
Death & Co is one of the world's leading cocktail bars with four locations in New York, Denver, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C.
Book Concerts for Corporate Events Let us plan an event that will create buzz long after the event is over. It will be talked about and remembered as being one of the most upbeat, unforgettable moments in your company's history. Corporate events don't have to be boring, stuffy affairs whe...
The New York and Denver Death & Co. locations are also set apart by their cocktail programs. While both venues feature large menus and several different options, the company’s bar team strays from duplicating drinks across locations, calling instead upon local bartenders at each venue to create...
He and his brother Bob Weinstein co-founded the entertainment company Miramax, which produced several successful independent films, including Sex, Lies, and Videotape (1989), The Crying Game (1992), Pulp Fiction (1994), Heavenly Creatures (1994), Flirting with Disaster (1996), and Shakespeare ...
Xiù’s brother had brought all the stuff from his prototyping company with him, and now his entire business seemed to be 3d-printing spare parts for washing machines and the like.Rumors of a ground-breaking for a new chip fab were circulating, too. One near Franklin, which had facilities...
One of the hotel’s staff, a young lady, was beaten, raped, and strangulated. The prime suspect happens to be Sylvester Yost, who lodged in one of the hotel’s rooms. Before he is apprehended, another man who works as a publisher in Roarke’s publishing company gets killed. With these...
Eventually Eric started a stone masonry business and Kouri started her own real estate company - buying houses, fixing them up, and selling them for profit. Greg Hall was her marketing director and good friend. Greg Hall: Kouri had something that a lot of people don't. A lot of tim...
SAMPLE CAMPAIGN THAT MAY BE USED BY A COMBAT PROPAGANDA COMPANY Devices designed to undermine an enemy's will to resist by developing in him feelings of fear, distrust of his motives for combat, war weariness, futility of further struggle, and willingness to surrender, (Though each of these ...
Since 2013, Jhai has partnered with the Lao Government; Jhai Coffee Farmers Cooperative (JCFC); and a private water-filter company, TerraClear, to serve 23 schools—helping 3,277 children along the way. In less than two years, they have provided 25 water purification filters (filtering up to...