2.不要用To whom it may concern: The same sentiments that apply to Dear Sir or Madam apply here. If your letter opens with To Whom It May Concern, we're probably going to assume it doesn't concern us.(这种说法过于正式,让人觉得很滑稽) 3.最后给大家发求职邮件一些小建议: Don't use th...
美国著名商业礼仪专家Barbara Pachter指出这个用法友善而无害,如果遇上迟疑的情况时,用这个词最无害! 2. To whom itmay concern 这个词常见于reference letter,但对于商业email来说,其实不太适用。因为要send email给对方,找出对方的名字,是你的责任。 3. ...
2.不要用To whom it may concern: The same sentiments that apply to Dear Sir or Madam apply here. If your letter opens with To Whom It May Concern, we're probably going to assume it doesn't concern us.(这种说法过于正式,让人觉得很滑稽) 3.最后给大家发求职邮件一些小建议: Don't use th...
粉丝429获赞937 1. Dear [Recipient's Name], 2. Hello [Recipient's Name], 3. Hi [Recipient's Name], 4. Good morning/afternoon/evening [Recipient's Name], 5. To whom it may concern, (用于不知道收件人姓名的情况) 6. Dear Sir/Madam, (用于正式信函) ...
2.不要用To whom it may concern: The same sentiments that apply to Dear Sir or Madam apply here. If your letter opens with To Whom It May Concern, we're probably going to assume it doesn't concern us.(这种说法过于正式,让人觉得很滑稽) 3.最后给大家发求职邮件一些小建议: Don't use th...
不要用To whom it may concern: The same sentiments that apply to Dear Siror Madam apply here. If your letter opens with To Whom It May Concern, we'reprobably going to assume it doesn't concern us. (这种说法过于正式,让人觉得很滑稽) ...
letter opens with To Whom It May Concern, we're probably going to assume it doesn't concern us. 其实在日常写邮件的时候,更常用的是“Hi”和“Dear”。这种说法可以应付大部分的工作和生活的场合。Hi用在自己朋友发邮件的时候,比如Hi Jason, 是最常用的一种开头。Hello会比Hi更正式一点,工作场合也可以...
2.不要用To whom it may concern: The same sentiments that apply to Dear Sir or Madam apply here. If your letter opens with To Whom It May Concern, we're probably going to assume it doesn't concern us.(这种说法过于正式,让人觉得很滑稽) ...
The same sentiments that apply to Dear Sir or Madam apply here. If your letter opens with To Whom It May Concern, we're probably going to assume it doesn't concern us. 其实在日常写邮件的时候,更常用的是“Hi”和“Hello”。这种说法可以应付大部分的工作和生活场合。Hi用在自己朋友发邮件的时候...
Ø写给机构时,可用To whom it may concern(致相关人士), To those concerned(致相关人士)或Dear Sir or Madam. 注意试题的指令要求。 2016年小作文Suppose you won a translation contest and your friend,Jack, wrote an email to congratulate you and ask for advice on translation. 题干中明确指出你的朋...