The meaning of DEAR is highly valued : precious —often used in a salutation. How to use dear in a sentence.
If someone or something is dear to you, it means you hold them or it very close to your heart, as in "My country is very dear to me" or "She is a dear friend."
Kids Definition dear 1 of 2 adjective ˈdi(ə)r 1 : highly valued : precious 2 used as a form of address in letters and sometimes in speech Dear Sir 3 : high-priced : expensive 4 : deeply and earnestly felt my dearest wish dear adverb dearly adverb dearness noun ...
You're a dear to help me with the work. a beloved one. (sometimes initial capital letter) an affectionate or familiar term of address, as to a child or romantic partner (sometimes offensive when used to a stranger, subordinate, etc.) adverb dearly; fondly. at a high price: That paintin...
Define dearies. dearies synonyms, dearies pronunciation, dearies translation, English dictionary definition of dearies. Noun 1. dearie - a special loved one darling, deary, ducky, favorite, favourite, pet lover - a person who loves someone or is loved by
Define Dears. Dears synonyms, Dears pronunciation, Dears translation, English dictionary definition of Dears. beloved, cherished; greatly valued: The old photographs are dear to her. Not to be confused with: deer – hoofed ruminant mammal: The deer stood
For example, Dear me, I forgot to mail it, or Oh dear, what a bad time you've been having. These usages may originally have invoked God, as in dear God or oh God, which also continue to be so used. [Late 1600s]Words Nearby dear me Dearborn Dearborn Heights Dear John Dear John ...
If someone or something is dear to you, it means you hold them or it very close to your heart, as in "My country is very dear to me" or "She is a dear friend." Continue reading... Definition: deer A deer is a four-legged, hoofed animal with antlers. Disney’s Bambi is a fam...
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The meaning of COST (SOMEONE) DEARLY/DEAR is to cause (someone) to lose something or to suffer a lot. How to use cost (someone) dearly/dear in a sentence.