Dear Life 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 艾丽丝•门罗(Alice Munro): 加拿大作家,1931年出生于加拿大安大略省,代表作有《逃离》《亲爱的生活》等。曾获加拿大总督文学奖、吉勒文学奖、英联邦作家奖、全美书评人协会奖以及布克国际文学奖等。2013年,获诺贝尔文学奖。 Dear Life 电子书 图书目录 下载链接...
Dear Life 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 艾丽丝•门罗(Alice Munro): 加拿大作家,1931年出生于加拿大安大略省,代表作有《逃离》《亲爱的生活》等。曾获加拿大总督文学奖、吉勒文学奖、英联邦作家奖、全美书评人协会奖以及布克国际文学奖等。2013年,获诺贝尔文学奖。
Dear Life: Stories亲爱的生活 英文原版 [平装] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 具体描述 编辑推荐 ★ 2013年诺贝尔文学奖得主艾丽丝·门罗作品 ★ 我希望读者从《亲爱的生活》开始读我的小说,这是我最好的作品。 ★ 艾丽丝·门罗是非常稳定的作家,所有作品都很出色,但我还是向读者推荐《亲爱的生活》。这是一...
The relatives she had left behind in her life, and the people she knew now in her role as a housewife and mother, did not have to be trained because they knew nothing about this peculiarity.) It would become hard to explain, later on in her life, just what was okay in that time...
Alice Munro Dear Life-亲爱的生活 作者:Alice Munro 书名:Dear Life《亲爱的生活》 英文简介:Suffused with Munro's clarity of vision and her unparalleled gift for storytelling, these tales about departures and beginnings, accidents and dangers, and outgoings and homecomings both imagined and real, ...
Explore Alice Munro's "Dear Life". Learn the summary, study an in-depth analysis, examine the settings and characters, and read the quotes from the...
我的首译文: 《亲爱的生活》 第一章《神奇的漂流瓶》 曾经皮特把她的旅行提箱送上了火车,他似乎渴望一起随行。可是他没有离开。他向她解释说,火车就要开了,他感到不安。他出了站台,望着车窗,和她们挥手道别。他微笑着,挥着手。毫无疑问,那个微笑对于凯蒂来说,是既灿烂又充满阳光的;就像他所相信的,凯蒂对于他...
Alice Munro's peerless ability to give us the essence of a life in often brief but always spacious and timeless stories is once again everywhere apparent in this brilliant new collection. In story after story, she illumines the moment a life is forever altered by a chance encounter or an ...
Dear Life by Alice Munro“ I did not go home for my mother’s last illness or for her funeral. ...We say of some things that they can’t be forgiven, or that we will never forgive ourselves. But we do—we do it all the time.(我们会说起某些无法被原谅的事,某些让我们永远无法原谅...
The paper means to elaborately break down the self-portraying components in Alice Munro's Story "Dear Life." It is found that from the beginning as far as possible of the story, it is brimming with the occasions which are firmly connected to Munro's very own life. Despite the fact that...