比如,现在做作业,做Demo,做辅助工具,以及个人游戏引擎比较流行的Dear ImGUI[1]。本来,它的main branch上是没有layout功能的,但是,近几年它创出了个docking branch,在这个branch中,它实现了docking(以此实现Layout),以及multiviewport的功能(能把DearImGUI窗口拽出OS的app窗口),十分炫酷。基本上大家都用这个branch去...
The library is fairly stable and regressions tend to be fixed fast when reported. Advanced users may want to use the docking branch with Multi-Viewport and Docking features. This branch is kept in sync with master regularly.Who uses Dear ImGui?
ImGui::PlotLines("Frame Times", my_values,IM_ARRAYSIZE(my_values));// 在滚动区域中显示内容ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1,1,0,1),"Important Stuff"); ImGui::BeginChild("Scrolling");for(intn =0; n <50; n++) ImGui::Text("%04d: Some text", n); ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::End...
The library is fairly stable and regressions tend to be fixed fast when reported. Advanced users may want to use the docking branch with Multi-Viewport and Docking features. This branch is kept in sync with master regularly.Who uses Dear ImGui?
然而,当前热门的库,如[1]的Dear ImGui,提供了一个名为main branch的解决方案。其中包含的docking branch实现了docking功能,用于布局管理,并支持multiviewport功能,即可以将Dear ImGui窗口拖出OS应用窗口,功能非常强大。许多开发者选择使用这个branch,例如[3]及YouTube上的许多UP主。然而,我并不打算...
imgui.cpp Added ImGuiKey_MouseXXX aliases. (#4921) Reworked SetItemUsingMouseWhe… 3年前 imgui.h Added ImGuiKey_MouseXXX aliases. (#4921) Reworked SetItemUsingMouseWhe… 3年前 imgui_demo.cpp Removed io.NavInputs[] and ImGuiNavInput enum. Kept inline redirection… ...
我家太子是狸猫 香港理工大学 软件科技硕士 dear imgui 1.90发布了 | 终于dear imgui 1.90发布了,带来了子窗体和窗体的Docking,看来以后游戏和3D设计软件都会越来越多地用它来实现前端了#IMGUI 发布于 2023-11-16 22:40・IP 属地广东 写下你的评论... ...
The library is fairly stable and regressions tend to be fixed fast when reported. Advanced users may want to use the docking branch with Multi-Viewport and Docking features. This branch is kept in sync with master regularly.Who uses Dear ImGui?
The library is fairly stable and regressions tend to be fixed fast when reported. Advanced users may want to use the docking branch with Multi-Viewport and Docking features. This branch is kept in sync with master regularly.Who uses Dear ImGui?
The library is fairly stable and regressions tend to be fixed fast when reported. Advanced users may want to use the docking branch with Multi-Viewport and Docking features. This branch is kept in sync with master regularly.Who uses Dear ImGui?