Billingsley's Phlox has been a supporting role that's incredibly pleasant to watch; it's just been hard to mention as much without it coming across as an aside. But in "Dear Doctor" he finally has the spotlight and I can turn my attention in his direction, giving the character and the...
Movie Night aboard the Enterprise is a good idea which will be resurrected many years down the line in Star Trek Discovery but, as with all those theatrical performances which took place aboard the 1701D, we are often left wondering who is minding the store when so many cast regulars are ...
Star Trek: Enterprise (2001) Louis Lombardi Jack 1 24 (2001) Robert Gossett John 1 Major Crimes (2012) Peggy Stewart Old Lady 1 The Runaways (2010) Iqbal Theba Instructor 1 Glee (2009) Jim Piddock Vet 1 Mascots (2016) David Bowe Bill 1 UHF (1989) Lacey ...
In lieu of this, “Elementary, Dear Data” is probably the pinnacle of Doctor Pulaski’s character as originally conceived and this pretty much marks the point where her big character arc should have ended. She bears witness to not one, but *two* artificially created...