Later, she would exclaim, “I outlived the queen!” and purse her lips in her whadda-ya-think-of-that face. And she did. They were the same age: 96. My daughter had said the same thing on the plane, as we flew across country, hours after hearing of her heart attack and return ...
A kind reader emailed me to ask about what she might expect her five-year-old daughter’s first time CC experience to look like. Thinking of a response brought me way back to when we first enrolled, on a lark really. I thought—a four-year-old, what do I have to lose? If she ha...
the edge,” he paused to sip from his mug, “you strike me as a desperate man who is willing,” he looked at the other man and his arm in a splint, and read the note about the pending surgery that evening to repair the damage, “and capable of nearly anything.” ...