Dear Dahlia is a luxury 100% Vegan & Cruelty-free beauty brand, inspired by the Dahlia flower and its timeless beauty. Our high-performance products are infused with Dahlia Variabilis flower extract offering proven skin-conditioning with long-lasting pro
RRP:£28.00Current price:£19.60 QUICK BUY Dear Dahlia Paradise Dual Palette Concealer - Medium 4g RRP:£28.00Current price:£19.60 QUICK BUY Page 1 of 1 Be the first to know about the latest arrivals, trends, exclusive offers and discounts....
以拿破崙的妻子-約瑟芬皇后(Joséphinede Beauharnais)最喜歡的花朵Dahlia為靈感,所創立的品牌Dear Dahlia,已經在Instagram上造成一股風潮。 講求天然的彩妝系列 Dear Dahlia頗具特色的外包裝,使用了時下流行的大理石紋路,結合上細膩的燙金裝飾,展現出高冷優雅的別緻感。 內容物也全系列講求無毒天然,不含化學物質,萃取含有...
BLOOMING EDITION LIP PARADISE SHEER DEW TINTED LIPSTICK 除了精美的眼影盘,本次系列也推出3款以花名命名的唇膏。三款色泽包括蜜柑、肉色玫瑰和百合色,色泽自然,就算不化妆也能够使用,提升整体气色。 系列已经于DEAR DAHLIA官方网站正式发售,有兴趣的女孩们可到官网看看VBA...
Dear Dahlia is a luxury 100% Vegan & Cruelty-free beauty brand, inspired by the Dahlia flower and its timeless beauty. Our high-performance products are infused with Dahlia Variabilis flower extract offering proven skin-conditioning with long-lasting pro