Canadian medical students lack adequate knowledge and feel inadequately prepared to manage patients living with obesity. Changes to UGME curricula may help address this gap in education.doi:10.1186/s12909-022-03636-9Katz, Nathan J.School of Medicine, Office of Professional Development and Educational...
on the management of patients living with obesity Nathan J. Katz1, Olivia Lovrics2 and Boris Zevin3* Abstract Background: With over 26% of Canadian adults living with obesity, undergraduate medical education (UGME) should prepare medical students to manage this ...
The request for a leave of absence must be submitted to theVice-Dean, UGME. If this happens, it must be reported to theVice-Dean, FGSR, who will determine an appropriate course of action. More Definitions ofVice-Dean Vice-Deanmeans the Vic e Dean of Postgraduate Medical Educ ation of ...
I would also like to mention the commendable work of social services department run by the Medical Social Workers (MSW) which offers enumerable activities such as specialized cancer counselling, group therapy, rehabilitation, adoption guidance, school for the deaf and many more. Various charitable tru...