dean n. head of a university department of studies(大学的)系主任 dean of the faculty of law法律系系主任
Dean, Faculty of Law, University of New BrunswickFaculty,English language university,Program,Economic lives,Law,Distance education,Fredericton,Maureen GeldartChronicle of Higher Education
历年雅思高频词汇精选-dean由查字典英语网提供, 历年雅思高频词汇精选 dean n. head of a university department of studies(大学的)系主任 dean of the faculty of law法律系系主任
Dean of Faculty (redirected fromDeans of Faculty) Legal n (Law) the president of the Faculty of Advocates in Scotland Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
1. Vice-Rector Rui Martins, the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof Manuel Trigo, the Associate Dean, Prof Liu Gaolong, and the authors of the two books attended the ceremony. 副校长马许愿教授、法学院院长尹思哲教授、副院长刘高龙及两书作者等均有出席。
Dean 1(大学的) 学院院长,系主任;(美国大学、中学的) 辅导主任,训导长; (牛津、剑桥大学的) 学监 dean of the faculty of law 法律系系主任 2 ‘英国国教’ ( dean n.[C] 1.院长,主持牧师 2.(大学的)教务长 3.学院院长 最新单词 emetine什么意思及同义词 吐根碱; 依米丁 emeticclogy什么意思及...
- "She was Dean of the Science faculty at Sophia University."(她是上智大学科学院的院长。) - "Frederick Lawrence is a dean in at George Washington University Law School."(弗雷德里克·劳伦斯是乔治华盛顿大学法学院的院长。) 4. 记忆方法:dean 这个词源自拉丁语 "decanus",原意是指“十人之首”,...
Dean1(大学的) 学院院长,系主任;(美国大学、中学的) 辅导主任,训导长; (牛津、剑桥大学的) 学监 dean of the faculty of law 法律系系主任 2 ‘英国国教’ ( deann.[C] 1.院长,主持牧师 2.(大学的)教务长 3.学院院长 最新单词 aminoacyl tRNA是什么意思及反义词【化】 氨酰tRNA ...
(esp Brit) clergyman who is responsible for a number of parishes (乡区的)主任牧师(主管若干牧区). 3 (a) (in some universities) person who is responsible for discipline (在某些大学中的)学监. (b) head of a university department of studies (大学的)系主任 dean of the faculty of law ...
The meaning of DEAN is the head of the chapter of a collegiate or cathedral church. How to use dean in a sentence.