Megadeth have employed a number of musicians over the years, but it's no coincidence that many fans consider the Marty Friedman-era the golden years. From 'Rust in Peace' to 'Risk,' Friedman was among the genre's best and he continued to evolve his improvisational playing in the years si...
• Dave Mustaine Duncan Live Wire Pickups • "Fear"Graphic "Angel of Deth" graphic, "Rust in Peace" graphic, Classic Black & Metallic Silver finishes also available ELECTRICS - ARTIST SERIES DVAMVNETMEUNSDTAGAINMEE SKU: VMNT EG • Mahogany Top/Body • 25-1/2"Scale • Mustaine ...
Megadeth Dave Mustaine手中这只是他最得意的DEAN签名款电吉他之一即DEAN DAVE MUSTAINE VMNT ANGEL OF DETH,斜切的桃花心木琴身上有一个定制的血迹斑斑的“Angel of Deth”图形,DAVE MUSTAIN的灵感,融合了邪恶和圣洁。DAVE MUSTAIN特殊的D形桃花心木琴颈令Dave赞叹因为这是他最喜欢的琴颈形状,25.5英寸长的ebony指板...