Sweet deals on foreclosed homes.Highlights the benefits of purchasing a foreclosed home. The work that Freddie Mac, a company that buys mortgages and sells them as securities, puts into the foreclosed homes; Special financing available.SiskosCatherineEBSCO_AspKiplingers Personal Finance Magazine...
These homes are in revitalization areas where the houses have been foreclosed on, but they do offer 50% off the cost of the home for eligible first responders. Home Related Items (Editor–Ok, this next section isn’t exactly homes, but you will need some of these things if you buy a ...
1.Foreclosed homes Though these properties are quite risky, it has its own credibility. These homes are listed for sale either through agents or bank as REO or mortgage lender or MLS. These homes are preferred when you want to invest less and earn profit. These homes are to be rehabbed fi...
The article offers information on a report indicating that home buyers looking to find good deals on foreclosed homes are finding it increasingly difficult because demand has increased and supply is subsequently decreasing.Journal of Property Management...
Report: Deals on Foreclosed Homes DwindlingThe days of deals on foreclosures appear numbered, one analysisindicates.A new look at...By reportsand Wire
Report: Deals on foreclosed homes dwindlingBy Alejandro Lazo
Cindy Wojdyla Cain