V.Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used. 1.tighten (intensify, enhance) 2.unhappy (wretched, miserable, cheerless) 3.quickly (rapidly, swiftly) 4.negative (doubtful, pessimistic, uncertain) 5.benefit (profit, advantage) 6.gain (incre...
Synonym: follow Collocation: keep up with: 1) If someone or something keeps up with someone or something else, they do whatever is necessary to stay level or equal with that person or thing. e.g. He started to walk faster and the children had to run to keep up with him. Wages are ...
Its a disease which affects mainly older people.,Comparison:,affect: It usually refers to something produces negative effect on somebody.,Detailed reading,Synonym:,influence,affect, i 62、nfluence,Detailed reading2 affect 2,Detailed reading,influence: It usually refers to the imperceptible effect on...
3.turnmybackongoawayfromorrefusetobewith4.stuckitoutdidn’tgiveup,stilltakinghimtobemybestfriendasbefore 5.gothroughsomuch experiencesomuchpainorstress 6.keepeverythingin endureallthepainandsorrowbymyself V.Synonymorantonym1.tighten(intensify,enhance)2.unhappy(wretched,miserable,cheerless)wretched:feeling...
"keep something in good condition by regularly checking it and repairing it when necessary.") a. keep c. maintain b. keep d. maintain IV. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used. 1. tighten (intensify, enhance) 2. unhappy (wre...
V. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used. 1.tighten (intensify, enhance) 2.unhappy (wretched, miserable, cheerless) 3.quickly (rapidly, swiftly) 4.negative (doubtful, pessimistic, uncertain) 5.benefit (profit, advantage) 6.gain (inc...
Before we look into “how” to deal with near-synonyms, we should say a few words about “why”. I’m a big fan of massive exposure in general and I think it’s possible to get very far simply by reading and listeninga lot. However, as you will notice if you use one of the so...
Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.1. tighten (intensify, e 7、nhance)2. unhappy (wretched, miserable, cheerless)3. quickly (rapidly, swiftly)4. negative (doubtful, pessimistic, uncertain)5. benefit (profit, advantage)6. gain (...
上外版综合英语1 Unit 4 dealing with AIDS Unit4 DealingwithAIDS Oralactivity Oralactivity•GrouppresentationAnIntroductiontoAIDS“AIDS”standfor?WhatisHIV?WhatarethesymptomsofAIDS?HowisAIDStransmitted?(3ways)ThecurrentsituationinChina.HowcanweprotectourselvesfromAIDS?Textanalysis ...
Maintain means continue to have something and do not let it stop or grow weaker, or keep something in good condition by regularly checking it and repairing it when necessary.) keep c. maintain keep d. maintain Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the ...