Think about it: Do you hold yourself emotionally aloof from people and complain about their foibles to your coworkers and family, even though you were all smiles during a meeting with them?Or do you always make a genuine effort to put yourself in their shoes and to learn more about them ...
The above in more detail: Let the feeling sit for about an hour, analyze it (where in the body is it, what does it look like, analyze it logically and emotionally). Then “puke”/spit/exhale it out. Then when it feels gone,assume a shaman poseand recharge with fresh air and light ...
and sheds light on the damaging impact narcissists have on their partners and children. This is also workbook with strategies that can improve your self-esteem and help you maintain your self-respect and set boundaries in relationships with addicts, narcissists, or emotionally abusive people....