For Viet Kieus and Westerners who bring remittances into the local economy, personal relationships with local sex workers reinforce their ideas of Asia’s rise and Western decline, while simultaneously bolstering their diminished masculinity. Dealing in Desire illuminates Ho Chi Minh City’s sex ...
governments cannot fall back on hierarchical command-and-control policies to support it. As such, it is complementary with the increasing popularity of public policies known as New Governance policies, where the government is engaged in a horizontal inter...
IndochinaThere is a spectrum of policy options available in dealing with dollarization in the transitional economies of Southeast Asia. These range from official dollarization at one end and enforced de-dollarization at the other. In between lie: currency board arrangements (CBAs), single currency ...
Mr. Jin is experienced in dealing with disputes involving industrial products supply, sales of goods, leases, share transfers and M&A, and business cooperations. Recently, he has also been dealing with major dispute cases involving the Internet, finance, private equity investment, advertisement, ...
Nothing shows that COVID-19 has been completely eliminated in China up to the submission date of the current manuscript. Therefore, the Recovering period might continue for some more time. A repeated analysis could uncover further differences among “Before COVID-19,”“With COVID-19,” and ...
Where can you trade with our sharedealing service? The HSBC InvestDirect International sharedealing service is available if you reside in the following countries or regions. Argentina Armenia Australia Belgium Bermuda Chile China Denmark Egypt
Test for English Majors Grade Four (TEM-4) is a standardized test in China applied to sophomores majoring in English, which aims at testing the students’ language proficiency 张小平 郑红娟 (四川师范大学外国语学院,四川 成都 610068;四川师范大学基础教学学院,四川 成都 610068)Dealing with English...
OBJECTIVES 1.Learn 177 new words and expressions and some special language points 2.Grasp the main idea and structure of the texts 3.Develop critical thinking ability through further discussion on the dealing with AIDS and the attitude people should take towards AIDS patients 4.Review English ...
In this paper, we present an approach to deal with spike fluctuations and boost spike camera image reconstruction. We first analyze the quantization effects and reveal the unbi- ased estimation attribute of the reciprocal of differential of spike firing time (DSF...