The article offers advice on dealing with an abusive and alcoholic manager. It notes that a number of alcoholics survive by being abusive to individuals who depend on them. Quad/Graphics Inc. substance-abuse counselor Margaret Underhill suggests to stop being afraid of a manager as a first step...
It happens to the most political of families -- former presidential candidate George McGovern cut off his alcoholic daughter, Terry, who later died at the age of 44 after falling into a snow bank and freezing to death. And it happens in Hollywood -- Martin Sheen's sonCharlie Sheenarrested ...
The Mulligans said the sisters' biological mother was an alcoholic and a prostitute who left the girls and their baby brother with their grandmother, who, they say, routinely abused them. "Elena apparently got the brunt of it," Tanya Mulligan said. "[The grandmother] used to take her and ...
Bolivia, by the deceased Lubavitcher Rebbe had a run-in this week with local police amid a flurry of rumors of drug trafficking and an assassination attempt against the country's president. Bolivian police raided a Chabad house this week in the small vacation town, a ...
Dealing with the Pain of Loving an Alcoholic