We are living in very challenging times, and even some people that aren't ordinarily bullies have becomestressedout, frustrated, and very quick to judge others. Whether it's online to complete strangers or people you care about offline, we've seen cruel and unusual behavior from those w...
Bullying has escalated to an entirely new level these days, not only in frequency but also in application. With technology being what it is kids can be
Experts give advice on understanding and dealing with bullies in the adult world. How to Deal With Bullying From Your Past The effects of being bullied can linger for decades, but it’s never too late to heal and reclaim your place in the world. ...
Trestan:Bullies and their targets come from all backgrounds. Research shows that girls are more likely to cyberbully and that affluence seems to increase the risk. Also, those who cyberbully tend to spend more time online and own/use more technology than their peers. ...
Dealing with Bullies In an ideal world, our homes, schools and communities at large would be safe places free from harassment. Unfortunately, that is not the real world. Within each person is the capability to act in disagreeable ways.