When dealing with a difficult person, you need to tread carefully. If modeling good negotiating behavior doesn’t work, Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Lawrence Susskindhasseveralrecommendations. First, clarify to the other party that you can be pushed only so far. “If you can’t...
难处之人DealingWithDifficultPeople 网友:法师,想请教您,如果身边有素质比较低的人故意气自己,并影响到自己,劝说也无效,该怎么办?我一直控制不用暴力来解决这个问题。 学诚法师:火遇到油会燃烧,遇到水则会熄灭;他人只是外缘,烦恼的根源在自己心里。 Q:There is a badly behaving person who is always trying to...
Your approach to the difficult person will have an impact on the way they he or she reacts, so it is important to plan your strategy. The way to deal successfully with a difficult colleague is to decide what you want from your encounter and how to change your behaviour to elicit the ...
Dealing With Difficult People(搞定难缠的人).pdf,北斗成功社区 BeiDouW 助您解决成长中的问题 本书仅供试读 1/62 “Just as some people bring out your best, and other people bring out your worst, you can bring out the best in other people at their worst. It
内容提示: Dealing With Difficult People When you're dealing with heroes and villains in a movie, the plot is simple. The hero has to find the villain and take him down (and in most cases, indulges in a little romance on the side). There are several ways the hero can confront his ...
Your approach to the difficult person will have an impact on the way they he or she reacts, so it is important to plan your strategy. The way to deal successfully with a difficult colleague is to decide what you want from your encounter and how to change your behaviour to elicit the ...
WhathappenstoyouwhenyoudealwithaDifficultPerson?Everyonehasaslightlydifferentreaction,but somecommonreactionsincludeariseinbloodpressure,racingheart,lumpinthethroat,"fight,flight,or freeze"syndrome,”orgettingred-in-the-face. Onethingyoucanbesureof:Ifyoudon'tdosomethingaboutthe"thing"thatsomeoneisdoingthatmake...
Person Bring out the best in the Nothing Person Bring out the best in the No Person Bring out the best in the Whiner Take the first three action steps Dealing with difficult people Difficult people: they’re those people you can’t stand and who don’t do what you want them to do or...
Here are some tips for dealing with a difficult person or negative message: 1.Forgive What would the Dali Lama do if he was in the situation? He would most likely forgive. Remember that at our very core, we are good, but our judgment becomes clouded and we may say hurtful things. Ask...
You Are Not a Person鲁伯特斯彼拉RupertSpira 1518 -- 10:30 App Rupert Spira:静修课的疗愈力量。The Transformative Power of Being on Retreat 鲁伯特斯彼拉 2278 -- 6:57 App Rupert Spira:人生的最高目的。What Is Our Highest Purpose 鲁伯特斯彼拉 1368 2 5:47 App 中英| 从源头中流淌出的充满爱与...