Dealers in Precious Metals, Stones, or JewelsFinancial Institutions Under Bank Secrecy ActMust Have Anti-Money Laundering ProgramsIn the present article, we present a means to remotely and transparently estimate an individual's level of fatigue by quantifying changes in his or her voice ...
Overview of Hong Kong licensing regime for virtual asset service providers Overview of Hong Kong registration regime for dealers in precious metals and stones Supervisory powers and sanctions for non-compliance or misconduct under the new regulatory regimes Enrolment limited ...
Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones Registration Number: A-B-23-12-03937 按此預約與專家會談 更多資訊 關於香港辦事處 自2010年於香港舉行第一場拍賣會起,時德斯‧鮑爾斯和邦地尼奧錢幣拍賣有限公司(簡稱SBP錢幣拍賣)一直於香港帶領亞洲的錢幣及紙幣市場發展,成績斐然,公認為首屈一指的國際拍賣行。 了解更...
The Bill will apply to a broad range of persons who deal in, or who intermediate dealings in, precious metals, precious stones, precious products (being products that contain a specific proportion of precious metals or stones) and asset-backed tokens which provide an entitlement to such metals,...
Dealers in Precious Metals, Stones, or Jewels—Financial Institutions Under Bank Secrecy Act—Must Have Anti-Money Laundering Programs | Also, Bank of International Settlements Sees Continuing Growth in World Economy and Financial Services Industry...
Purpose Precious stones and metals have commonly been used throughout the world as a conduit for terrorism and money laundering activities. Such illicit use of these assets has called for its much-needed attention from a regulatory perspective. This is particularly relevant in a financial haven ...
The Indian gems and jewelry industry has been a money spinner for many centuries. Though the prices of the precious metals and stones are soaring, the sales have not stagnated. Newer Indian retailers and foreign players have entered the market with an international demand for quality standards ...